Why Volunteer at Limmud FSU?
Interested in volunteering at Limmud FSU?
Limmud has always been run by volunteers. It truly allows the community to create an enriching experience for and within itself. In fact, volunteering is a principle of Limmud.
What does volunteering do for you?
- Allows you to experience the process of planning and organizing a major event
- Allows you to personally contribute to developing Jewish culture in YOUR community
- Allows you to connect with interesting like-minded individuals
- Allows you to continue participating in Limmud events, retreats, and further development throughout the year
Your Contribution to Limmud FSU
At Limmud FSU, everyone has a chance to grow and expand their own skill set though a variety of roles and tasks. Whether it’s greeting guests, assisting program leaders, or helping with other organizational tasks, you can apply your unique talents towards a rewarding experience.
Limmud FSU then expects a minimum of 3 hours time commitment either in one block shift or spread out over the entire conference. The rest of the time, you can enjoy the programming alongside your fellow participants.

Children's Programming
Helping out program leaders while they are running sessions for children aged 5-7, 8-12, and 13-15.

Adult's Programming
Responsible for helping out during lectures by setting up presentation aids, keeping track of time, and supporting presenters as needed.

Venue / Logistics
Making sure that all participants are wearing badges at all times, directing guests to their lectures of choice, and assisting with table seating.

Registration / Help Desk
Welcoming and registering guests, supplying booklets, ID badges, and other materials as well as continuously providing participants and presenters with key information (i.e. scheduling updates, room locations, technological support, etc.)
How to become a volunteer
Volunteer registration will be open until October 20.
Once your application is received, a phone interview will be scheduled to get to know you better and review your interests and availability. If you are selected, you will be provided with information and training to prepare you for the conference.
During the Conference, you will have a clear schedule and role assignment.
You may be asked to assist the Organization Committee prior to the start of the Conference.
During the Conference you will have a clear schedule and role assignment.

With questions specific to volunteering, please contact us via volunteerlimmudfsu@gmail.com