Presenters 2018
Over 50 accomplished, exciting and diverse presenters, giving over 70 sessions, will be part of Limmud FSU Canada 2018.

Rami Sherman
IDF Commando Officer, team member of Operation Entebbe
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In 1976, when an Air France plane was hijacked with 248 passengers and rerouted to Entebbe, Rami was the Operations Officer of the unit, under the command of Yoni Netanyahu. The operation took place at night. Israeli transport planes carried 100 commandos 4,000 km to Uganda for the rescue operation. Rami was part of the 33 officers and soldiers who freed the hostages at the Entebbe terminal. The operation, which took a week of planning, lasted only 90 minutes. In this session, Rami shares his amazing story and what he learnt about identity, mutual responsibility, and lessons that we can all use today.
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Anat Yahalom
Yom Kipur War veteran, founder of Edgarim and Forum for disabled IDF female veterans
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An incredible life story focusing on leadership and overcoming. On Yom Kippur 1973, out of the blue, a sudden Egyptian air attack tore my body and my life apart… It was the first day of a terrible war. I was an eighteen year old combat soldier who had just graduated from high school, critically wounded fighting to stay alive. Putting my life back together has turn into a gift. Let me share it with you.
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Gradually, Anat learned to walk again. Her disability and rehabilitation process introduced her to the world of disabled sports, and she became a professional hand-cyclist. She participates in marathons in Israel and abroad with other pro-cyclists of the Israel National Team.
Anat has a Bachelor of Education and Arts. She is a founding member of Etgarim, Israel Association for the Disabled, and Forum for disabled IDF female veterans, an organization dedicated to fighting for the rights of disabled IDF female veterans. She is a recipient of the prestigious Israel Defense Award for excellence in rehabilitation efforts, 2018.

Yelena Khanga
Journalist, TV Personality, Author
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Yelena is one of the most famous Russian TV celebrity. Since 1993 she hosted dozens of project at several national broadcast channels. Learn more about “kukhnya” of Russian TV from the insider.
Prime minister of Zanzibar and Khiam Byalik. History of my family 1865-1992
Yelena Khanga is a descendant of american slave, famous Jewish writer Khaim Byalik, prime-minister of Zanzibar and polish Rabbi. Join the amazing journey to history one of the most diverse family in the World.
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Yishai Fleisher
Hebron Community Spokesperson, Israeli media broadcaster
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Now that the Oslo process has failed and most Israelis don’t believe in the “Land for Peace” formula – is there a path going forward? While alternatives are out there, they have been repressed by the dominant paradigms and the establishment – but now their moment has arrived. Join a cutting-edge discussion about 5 serious alternatives to the “Two-State Solution”.
Hebron – Ground Zero of the Conflict
On the one hand, Hebron is an ancient and beautiful city, rich with history integral to Jewish identity – here the Founding Fathers and Mothers of Israel lived and died. On the other hand, Hebron is ground zero for the Israel-Arab conflict, with parts of the international community undermine the 3,500-year-old Jewish presence in the city and calling it an “Occupation.” Does history hamper our way forward? Or can the past guide us towards a better future?
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Boris Gulko
Chess Grandmaster, writer
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Связь дерева сфирот, мышления шахматиста и шахматной борьбы. Каббалистические правила чемпионов мира. Каббала шахмат и реальный мир ( на примере шахматных партий).
Мир против евреев (о Холокосте)
Мир свалил всю вину за Холокост на немцев, которые – самые виноватые, но не только они виноватые. Соучаствовали все.
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Matthew Bronfman
Entrepreneur, philanthropist, and Chair of the Limmud FSU International Steering Committee
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The concept of Tzedaka, or Charitable Giving, has been the cornerstone of the Jewish tradition for more than 3,000 years. In this panel, Matthew Bronfman and Harry Rosenbaum, two of the most successful entrepreneurs in North America today, will discuss why Giving has been such a big part of their success story. Moderated by Eli Ovits.
Opening Ceremony, Gala
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Bernd Wollschlaeger
Family physician, author of books on German life in WWII
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In this intimate talk, Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger will share his remarkable story of growing up in post-war Germany as the son of a highly decorated World War II German tank commander, recipient of the Iron Cross, personally awarded to him by Hitler. At an early age, Bernd discovered that his parents were concealing their past. Driven by curiosity and interest in finding the truth about the past and the Holocaust, Bernd explored Israel and Judaism through literature, a series of personal encounters with Jews in post-war Germany and finally a journey to Israel. These experiences led Bernd to convert to Judaism and make Aliyah.
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Dr. Wollschlaeger is also a book author, and his book “A German Life: Against All Odds Change is Possible” describes his struggle growing up in Germany in the shadow of his Father, a highly-decorated WWII tank commander and Nazi officer. He eventually converted to Judaism, emigrated to Israel and served in the Israel Defense Forces as a Medical Officer. In Spring 2013 he will release his novel “Samson’s Shadow” and in Summer 2013 his book “ Stauffenberg: My Live in the Shadow of a Hero.”

Ben Rosenfeld
American Comedian
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Ben Rosenfeld performs an hour of stand up comedy focusing on his growing up as a young Russian Jew in America
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Elliott Malamet
Israeli professor, Jewish philosophy and spiritual educator
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Is morality entirely subjective? If so, can we say anything authoritative about right and wrong, or are good and evil merely a matter of personal taste? Must ethics be grounded in God to be universal? Does Judaism recognize reason as a viable alternative to faith? This session will discuss practical dilemmas in constructing one’s own moral positions, and also in transmitting them to children.
What We Talk about when We Talk about God
The “black box” of religion relates to the question of who God is and how God operates in the universe. Is God aware of human actions? Does God change? Intervene in history? Listen to our prayers? Talk to us daily? Care about the world? Love me? How we envision God will tell us a great deal about how we think God interacts with the world and hence what is the meaning of our spiritual lives. In this talk, we will compare the views of central Jewish thinkers in pursuit of these questions.
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Dr. Malamet received his doctorate in English Literature from the University of Toronto, has taught Jewish Philosophy in Canadian universities for over 20 years, and was the Department Head of Jewish Thought at TanenbaumCHAT secondary school. He currently lectures in Israel at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and many other Israeli institutions.
Dr. Malamet’s work in the field of spiritual education has been featured in the leading Canadian newspapers and he has appeared on Canadian radio and television. He has run seminars on teaching Judaism to young people in the United States, Canada, England and Israel and is consulted by people worldwide on the subject of Jewish education.
His rational approach is responsible for creating a sense of emotional and spiritual connection that attracts individuals to lead an informed, meaningful and inspirational life, underpinned with Jewish values.

David Shore
Canada Director of Investor Relations for OurCrowd
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This session will discuss how OurCrowd, an equity crowdfunding platform built for accredited investors to provide venture capital funding for early-stage startups, is fueling Israeli and global technology innovation. OurCrowd uses equity crowdfunding as its model, where investments into a company’s shares are pooled together from the crowd. David will also compare the Canadian and Israeli tech eco-systems, with lessons for Canadian entrepreneurs.
OurCrowd was started in 2013 in Jerusalem, Israel by serial entrepreneur Jon Medved. Today, OurCrowd is a leading equity crowdfunding platform for investing in global startups. Offering unprecedented access to startup investing, individual investors through OurCrowd are fueling innovations that change the way people work, travel, shop, heal, and conduct business. OurCrowd investors participate in these opportunities alongside VCs and institutional co-investors, at the same terms.
Panel: The Art of Pitching To Investors – Show us what you’ve got!
The investment process can be like being transported to a parallel universe. Not only must you understand the process, but you must deal with someone poking and prodding your baby. Even though having capital is essential to growing your business, the process seems like a distraction from the business. In this workshop, we arm with you the perspectives not only to take on the process but to influence the process to your benefit.
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Rafi Hofstein
President and CEO of MaRS Innovation
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In this session, Dr. Hofstein will share his thirty years of experience as a scientist turned healthcare entrepreneur in Israel and in Canada, along with examples of successful (and less so) outcomes. Dr. Hofstein will share his perspective on how Israel became startup nation and why Canada is at the cusp of becoming one, and some observations on how the two countries can rule the international biomedical innovation agenda.
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Dr. Hofstein received his PhD and Master of Science degrees in Life Sciences and Chemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. His Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Physics is from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
From 1997 to 1999 Dr. Hofstein was President of Mindsense Biosystems Ltd., an Israeli company that develops neuropsychiatric immune assays, as well as Venture Partner at Medica Venture (a leading VC in Israel). From 1999 to 2009, he held the position of President and CEO of Hadasit Ltd., the technology transfer company of the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem.
Dr. Hofstein was the founder and has served as Chair of Hadasit BioHolding Ltd., a publicly-traded holding company (10 start-ups under management) on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) since 2005. Other directorships held on TASE publicly-traded companies include: Bioline RX (drug development); Exalenz (medical devices); and Evogene (agri-bio).
Dr. Hofstein also served as Chair of BIOMED, Israel’s annual biomedical conference, from 2005 to 2007. In addition, Dr. Hofstein is a Co-Founder and Board Member of ILSI, the Israeli Life Science Industry Organization, and a Co-Founder and Executive in Israel’s Tech Transfer Network (ITTN).

Harry Rosenbaum
Honorary Chair of Limmud FSU Canada
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The concept of Tzedaka, or Charitable Giving, has been the cornerstone of the Jewish tradition for more than 3,000 years. In this panel, Matthew Bronfman and Harry Rosenbaum, two of the most successful entrepreneurs in North America today, will discuss why Giving has been such a big part of their success story. Moderated by Eli Ovits.
Opening Ceremony, Gala
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He serves as an Independent Director of Starlight U.S. Multi-Family Core Fund, as well as an Independent Director of Starlight Investments Ltd. He has been a Director of Ashton Woods USA LLC, since 1997. He served as an Independent Trustee of WPT Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust from 2013 to 2016. Mr. Rosenbaum serves as a Director of various charitable and non-profit organizations including the ACL (Advocates for Civil Liberties) and CZCA (Canadian Zionist Cultural Association). Mr. Rosenbaum holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Osgoode Hall Law School and a degree in Economics from York University.

Michael Dermer
Entrepreneur, speaker, lawyer and author of The Lonely Entrepreneur
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In today’s hypercompetitive world passion & grit aren’t enough, we must develop the skills and mindset to be a better entrepreneur each day. From managing the chaos to generating revenue to standing out from the crowd. In this workshop we’ll walk you through top 10 skills you need to be a successful entrepreneur.
Panel: The Art of Pitching To Investors – Show us what you’ve got!
The investment process can be like being transported to a parallel universe. Not only must you understand the process, but you must deal with someone poking and prodding your baby. Even though having capital is essential to growing your business, the process seems like a distraction from the business. In this workshop, we arm with you the perspectives not only to take on the process but to influence the process to your benefit.
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Katya Katsman
Clinical social worker, family therapist and sexologist
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Я работаю с людьми более 15 лет и за это время скопилось огромное количество ситуаций, примеров и курьезов, на примере которых я поделюсь своими мыслями и знаниями на тему отношений и секса. Местами будет серьезно, местами- весело, но вы точно уйдете с нашей встречи с информацией к размышлению.
Родители подростков должны знать!
Поговорим о том , что должны знать pодители подростков. Какие соблазны и опасности могут поджидать их подрастающих детей. B этот раз я предлагаю разговор с родителями подростков и он не только о сексе. Об эмоциональных переживаемых, гормональных изменениях, желание быть взрослыми, первая любовь , алкоголь, наркотики….
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Dror Burstein
Israeli novelist, poet, and translator
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It is best to describe the history of Hebrew Literature reading its texts meticulously, but that will take a while. In this short talk, I’ll try to present an overview of Hebrew Literature, focusing on the hairstyles of some prominent authors. Coiffures are products of culture as much as literature, and one can learn quite a lot on literary styles formed inside the heads of authors by observing the hairstyles on their heads.
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Jonathan Kay
Author, reporter, journalist, editor
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What are the effects of the Government’s and the media’s focus on residential schools, land claims and sacred rituals? Jonathan Kay will look at the history, the present and the future of one of the most controversial topics in Canadian politics today.
Debate: “What Impact has Trump had on Canada?” Canada’s biggest trading partner is its neighbor to the south. It goes beyond economics. Our cultures, our histories and our destinies are intertwined with the Americans. At least so we thought. In this session Jonathan Kay and Irvin Studin will debate the impact President Trump has had on Canada and what’s yet to come.
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Irvin Studin
International policy and public administration expert, professor, author
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Debate: “What Impact has Trump had on Canada?” Canada’s biggest trading partner is its neighbor to the south. It goes beyond economics. Our cultures, our histories and our destinies are intertwined with the Americans. At least so we thought. In this session Jonathan Kay and Irvin Studin will debate the impact President Trump has had on Canada and what’s yet to come.
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Studin was a member of the team that wrote Canada’s 2004 national security policy, and he principal-authored Australia’s 2006 national counter-terrorism policy. He holds degrees from the Schulich School of Business, the London School of Economics and the University of Oxford. His PhD is from Osgoode Hall Law School, where he was a Trudeau Scholar and won the Governor-General’s Gold Medal. Studin lectures and advises around the world, and has written for the Financial Times, Le Monde, Vedomosti, the Globe & Mail, and many other media sources. His other books include The Strategic Constitution – Understanding Canadian Power in the World (UBC Press, 2014), and What is a Canadian? Forty-Three Thought-Provoking Responses (McClelland & Stewart, 2006).
In past, Studin captained York University’s varsity soccer team, played professionally with the Toronto Lynx, and earned two ‘Blues’ with the varsity soccer team at Oxford University.

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Alex Levin
Intellectual property and patent portfolio management consultant
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Israel, through its 70 years of existence, came a long way from agricultural crime-stricken English substituent to be a major innovation and business hub. How it happened, what made it possible and what we can learn from it while being in Canada.
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Alex Plotkin
Cyber Security and Privacy consultant
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The session will talk about latest cyber hacks, who is after you and why, how they do it and how you can protect yourself. If time allows, the session will also touch on the latest security developments in the crypto world.
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Alex Sadovsky
Small Business Expert – Business and Retail Banking
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The Canadian Small Business landscape is booming and the entrepreneurial spirit is at its all-time high. In this session, Alex Sadovsky covers the critical knowledge that each business owner should be equipped with when it comes to financing your idea or business for start-ups or those looking to growing their existing business. Banking relationship tips and the art of selling your idea are also covered with practical guidance that you can apply to your next banking collaboration.
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Alti Rodal
Historian, writer, former professor, UJE founder
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Presentation and talk of a new exhibit book, A Journey Through the Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter: From Antiquity to 1914, which is based on a community exhibit that traveled throughout Canada in 2015. The 168-page richly illustrated book hopes to present an integrated narrative that looks at the experience of these two peoples together, “in all its complexity–through periods of crisis, as well as, long stretches of normal co-existence and multifaceted cultural interaction,” notes Alti Rodal, exhibit curator, author and UJE co-director.
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David Ahmann
Managing partner of Bloomth scientific wellness clinic
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Fatique and limited sex life can be caused by energy imbalances and other issues which deplete sexual drive. But lifestyle factors, such as eating poorly, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, stress and lack of exercise, can also have a massive impact on sexual health. Eating a variety of foods high in fatty acids and proteins is key to keeping your hormones in check. Your body needs various types of building blocks to improve your sexual life.
Food as medicine
Food as medicine interactive workshop. Discover the way your body really works and reacts to what you eat with our fun interactive experiments for you and your children. Build a mini version of human digestive system and instantly see how your food choices affect your body and well being. Our experiments will be accompanied by easy to understand explanations and answers to your questions.
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David Kaufman
Narrative and solution focused brief therapist, addictions counselor
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Talking to your children about the harms associated with alcohol and drug use is the most effective way to help prevent underage drinking and improper or illegal drug use. Children who have conversations with their parents or guardians about the dangers associated with alcohol and drugs are 50% less likely to use alcohol and drugs, compared to those who do not. Parents need to take a proactive role in learning about alcohol and drugs and in helping kids make the healthiest choices. This hands on lecture was created for parents wanting to learn how to speak in a meaningful and educated manner to their children about alcohol, drugs and other addictive and compulsive behaviours.
The Jews and the Joint: panel discussion
Canada was the first country that legalized Marijuana. During this session, the panelists will discuss and argue on how the Pot Legalization will impact our country and our community. You will also learn about the traditional Jewish view on recreational drugs.
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David Lefkowich
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Join Rabbi Tina Grimberg, David Lefkowich and Debbie Gilbert in joyful song and soul provoking stories. For all ages (**With musical instruments)
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David Nortman
Naturopathic doctor, philosopher
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In his groundbreaking 1973 book, The Denial of Death, Jewish-American cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker proposed that our awareness of our physical limitation and mortality compels us to inhabit a symbolic realm in which we are free to act out as heroes within a personal or collective “immortality project.” Every religion and culture can thus be viewed as a “theatre for heroism” in which people get to act out the heroic strivings of their immortality project, thereby symbolically denying their death and imbuing their lives with positive meaning. I will present Becker’s theory and explore its relevance to contemporary issues, including the psychological underpinnings of the world’s religions and the current environmental crisis.
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David Silverberg
Poet, artistic director, producer and journalist
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David interviews successful leaders in Ontario Judaism to learn more about their connections to Jewish culture, in order to find inspiration in how they embraced Judaism via their own journeys. Among the profile subjects whose stories will be told on stage: Judy Feld Carr, David Buchbinder, Moshe Krause, Judy Perly, Igal Hecht. In Jewnique, David will reveal never-before-presented details about his up-and-down relationship with Judaism and what these Jewish leaders taught him about finding your faith in your community and cultural heritage.
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David’s debut book of poetry Bags of Wires was published by LyricalMyrical Press in 2007. His upcoming book will be published by ChiZine in 2019. His non-fiction work has been published in the The Washington Post, BBC News, The Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, Vice, Buzzfeed, Ars Technica, NOW Magazine, Quill & Quire, Canadian Business, Canadian Jewish News, Pharmacy Business, Ryerson Alumni Magazine, Raptors Magazine and many more.

Dyanoosh Youssefi
Criminal defence lawyer, legal studies professor, writer, social justice advocate
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“Justice, justice, you shall pursue!” Plenty of ink has been spilled expounding on this commandment. How do you think the Canadian and North American justice systems measure against the Biblical concept? Do you think our system is more lenient, progressive, and forgiving than the one described in the Torah? Is it the other way around? The Canadian criminal justice system is both praised for its fairness and neutrality, and criticized for ignoring the needs of victims, being overly punitive toward offenders, and at times inhumane. The Jewish concept of justice, as described in the Torah, appears to be filled with inconsistencies: great compassion and ruthless punishment live side-by-side in the pages of the Torah. Can the Jewish concept of justice shed light on our adversarial, punitive justice system? How would the biblical portrayal of justice and punishment change the way we do things in Canada and the western world? Is the Canadian system one that upholds “Justice, justice?”
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Eli Chagaev
Krav Maga instructor
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Psychology of self-defense
In this session Eli Chagaev will discuss the psychology and the mindset of self defense. First we will discuss the psychology of the attacker as well as behavioural ques and signs that would allow us to recognize and prepare for self-defense. Secondly, we will explore a set of tips on how to avoid dangerous situations and not to be in a victim position. Psychology is big part of self-defense and does not require significant physical training or preparation. Attendees will learn how to develop situational awareness and how to avoid or deescalate confrontational situations.
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Eli Ovits
Chief Executive of Limmud International
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Together we will explore some of the worldwide challenges facing the Jewish People and society at large. Has Limmud, and others, developed a proven formula to combat them? To engage people, and create a community fit for our times and common future? This session welcomes innovative minds – seeking to learn and get involved.
What is Limmud?
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Ezer Diena
Fellow of the Yeshiva University Torah Mitzion Beit Midrash Zichron Dov
Click here to learn more
While many of us are familiar with modern-day pranks pulled on April Fool’s day, practical jokes are also part of a rich history of Jewish humor. With case studies from 2000 years ago through the modern-era, come and learn about how Judaism values and views pranksters and the tricks they play on others.
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Ezekiel Barmasch
Director, Israel's Economic and Trade Mission to Canada
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Galit Baram
Consul General of Israel in Toronto and Western Canada
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Classic diplomacy used to be strictly political, and mainly concentrated on bilateral relations between governments and activity in international forums. Today, diplomacy has diversified and also includes cultural exchange, activity in social media, academic exchange and humanitarian aid. Israeli investment in soft diplomacy has expanded over the past few years, as a way to connect with different sectors of civil society. This soft diplomacy has proven successful but brings with it modern-day challenges.
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Genya Klaiman
Yoga teacher and therapist
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This class blends two styles of yoga; yin and vinyasa, harmonizing the mind and body. For the first half of the class we will engage in creative breath-based movement coupled with pranayama (breathing exercises synchronized with drums). Next we will allow the body to melt through deeply held tension through the yin yoga practice, all while exploring the nature of the mind.
Family Yoga class
Family Yoga is activity designed for the ‘kid’ in us all. In a loving and compassionate environment, enjoy special moments with the whole family. Physical and mind exercises designed for the young and the younger, to connect to your own sense of creativity, wonder and FUN!
Laughter Yoga
Laughter is one of the most important ingredients in our lives. To benefit the most from its healing properties we need to reconnect with our inner child! Laughter yoga is an extraordinary class where you will explore the magic of spontaneous laughter in combination with yogic breathing. This class will help you to become more flexible physically and mentally, gain good moods, improve quality of life and become healthier. Great time for the whole family!
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As a yoga teacher and therapist, Genya has assisted in improving the lives of numerous individuals who have reached out to him with a variety of health conditions and life challenges. He is certified in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy and has completed 1,500 hours in yoga therapy training.

Ilana (Rubenstein) Kendal
Psychotherapist, Jewish educator
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This talk explores the deep connections between psychology and Torah in overcoming our obstacles and rising to new heights. Drawing of classical texts, clinical experience and personal insights, Ilana provides take-home tools to building personal resilience. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become” – Carl Jung “The righteous individual falls seven times and rises” – King Solomon
Leonard Cohen & Facing the Darkness
This talk explores the Jewish approach to darkness and the path towards light. Through examining the life and work of Leonard Cohen, Ilana draws our attention to the everyday choices we can make and the meaning we find in our struggles. In the words of the late Cohen, “there’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”.
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Jana Tuhman
Scientific Wellness Consultant
Read Sessions
Fatique and limited sex life can be caused by energy imbalances and other issues which deplete sexual drive. But lifestyle factors, such as eating poorly, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, stress and lack of exercise, can also have a massive impact on sexual health. Eating a variety of foods high in fatty acids and proteins is key to keeping your hormones in check. Your body needs various types of building blocks to improve your sexual life.
Food as medicine
Food as medicine interactive workshop. Discover the way your body really works and reacts to what you eat with our fun interactive experiments for you and your children. Build a mini version of human digestive system and instantly see how your food choices affect your body and well being. Our experiments will be accompanied by easy to understand explanations and answers to your questions.
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Julia Dobkine
Personal Stylist, Image and Colour Advisor
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Front stage and back stage – Always look appropriate Personal branding focuses on “self-packaging” where success is not determined by individuals’ internal sets of skills, motivations, and interests but, rather, by how effectively you are “branded”- presented. Your image creates a statement of your professionalism and success; it reveals everything about your life, habits, interests and income. When creating a Personal Brand and Image, think about the message you send to the world and how people perceive you. It is important to create a proper memory that describes the total experience of having a relationship with you.
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Julia Segal
Naturopathic doctor
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A woman’s journey through life is rich with change, from menstruation to fertility and pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood, menopause and beyond. Today’s world requires us to work at achieving and maintaining vibrant health. We will look through the lenses of naturopathic medicine, Kabbalah and traditional Chinese five elements to outline the essential pillars of women’s health – and how these differ for different women. These include nutritional and herbal supports, social and spiritual awareness, and physical strength and balance. We will identify areas to put our energy towards in order to stay balanced and nourished.
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Kelly Beker
Manager of Strategic Partnerships at MedReleaf
Read Sessions
Kelly Beker will discuss the pre and post cannabis legalization landscape of the Canadian economy. What opportunities exist with the introduction of the new industry? Will the new Cannabis industry be socially responsible?
The Jews and the Joint: panel discussion
Canada was the first country that legalized Marijuana. During this session, the panelists will discuss and argue on how the Pot Legalization will impact our country and our community. You will also learn about the traditional Jewish view on recreational drugs.
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Kesem Frank
Mavennet President and Aion Co-Founder, blockchain expert
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Kesem is an experienced team leader, having served as a naval officer with the IDF for 5 years, his passion for startups and innovation led him to join UofT’s Creative Destruction Lab as a program fellow. Kesem achieved Cum Laude honors for both his undergraduate degrees of Law (LLB) and business administration (BA) and was awarded multiple scholarships towards his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Toronto.

Lana Lior Model
Social worker, psychotherapist
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Interactive workshop about the complexity of building a relationship. Who we are and what do we bring to it? How do the fantasies and our perceptions influence our communication with our partner and our relationship as well. What is really needed for a strong and good relationship? Myths vs Reality.
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Lior is a registered member of Ontario College of Social Worker (RSW, MSW) and a Certified Group Facilitator. She has Master of Social Work from University of Windsor, and Bachelor of Social Work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Lev Mirlas
IT consultant, author and Jewish educator
Read Sessions
The books of Yechezkel and Yirmiyahu describe the social environment and attitudes that formed within the Jewish society following the first two exiles by Navuchadnezzar, before the destruction of the first temple. The society in Judea was deprived of its major leaders and scholars, while these leaders who were taken to Babylon found themselves deprived of purpose. It is fascinating to observe how these two Jewish communities evolved during the short period that they existed with little or no communication, and how they remerged after the final demise of the Jewish settlement in the land of Israel following the destruction of the first Temple. This talk will give a brief historic overview of the final years of the first temple era, and explore the social parameters prevailing at the time. If time permits, I would like to explore analogies with the modern state situation of Jewish communities in Israel and in the Diaspora.
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Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Awarding-winning Canadian writer
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Presentation and talk about Please Don’t Tell the Enemy: Canadian award-winning writer Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch discusses her young adult novel about a Ukrainian family that saved their Jewish neighbours during World War II. The novel is based on the true story of the Korpan family; a Ukrainian mother and daughter who were named Righteous Among the Nations. The book is the first of a trilogy about a Ukrainian girl and a Jewish boy.
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Melissa Lanstman
Strategic communications leader for federal government and political campaigns
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Changemakers are value driven and thrive on purpose. Understanding where you can affect politics is the first step in becoming a changemaker. Melissa will take you through how Russian-Jews and pro-Israel Canadians can participate in the democratic process and build relationships within the Canadian political arena. No matter who you are or where you come from – the future of Canadian Russian-Jewish community is in your hands. In this session, you’ll learn how to navigate, advocate and affect change in your community.
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Nadia Stolpner
Conscious Dance/Movement Facilitator, Spiritual Counsellor
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Find time to pause and awaken to still presence of your being. Find joy of being right here in each moment. We will practice mindfulness meditation to settle home into our bodies, and to be present with thoughts and other experiences as they arise. We will incorporate Jewish wisdom into our practice together to come alive to the Divine presence in each breath, inside us and all around. No experience is needed to participate.
Contemplative movement workshop – “Soul Connect with Movement”
Do you want to move or dance? Do you want to hear wisdom of your own being? In this experiential workshop, we will use meditation, gently guided movement/dance and music to de-stress, connect with our bodies and hearts, and hear the voice of our souls. Jewish wisdom, and options for journaling and drawing are tools to deepen our journey.
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Natalia Feduschak
Journalist, UJE member
Read Sessions
Presentation and talk of a new exhibit book, A Journey Through the Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter: From Antiquity to 1914, which is based on a community exhibit that traveled throughout Canada in 2015. The 168-page richly illustrated book hopes to present an integrated narrative that looks at the experience of these two peoples together, “in all its complexity–through periods of crisis, as well as, long stretches of normal co-existence and multifaceted cultural interaction,” notes Alti Rodal, exhibit curator, author and UJE co-director.
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Natalya Suzdalnitskaya
Expert in effective learning technologies, co-owner of Yes! School
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Multilingualism and proficiency in multiple languages has become a phenomenon of the 21st century, as international relations and geopolitical climate have evolved. Therefore, it is crucially important to understand the dynamics of successful developmental milestones of a multilingual child. It all starts with knowledge and proficiency in a native language, followed by gradual acquisition and absorption of various surrounding languages. Therefore, teaching a child how to communicate effectively is every parent’s primary and crucial task. Early childhood education, complete with various techniques, methodologies and strategies, is essential to the development of a child, since children require a play-based environment, a group of peers and a special nurturing language environment.
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In 2006 Natalya started researching the development of skills and abilities of children. In 2012 together with her husband, she opened Yes! School – Centre for Supplementary Education in Toronto, that specializes in 3 areas: Bilingual Children, Effective Education, and Business Programs for children. From 2015 Natalya hosts a Conference for Parents of Bilingual Children – “I speak Russian”, an online project for Russian-speaking parents. Over 1,500 parents have participated in her programs, this work was marked by an honorary diploma from the mayor of Toronto – John Howard Tory.

Pyotr Schwartzman
Architect, painter and artist
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A friendly conversation with the audience about the direction of contemporary art and architecture in the latest decades. Similarities and huge differences between movements in contemporary visual art/music and architecture, by outlining the performance of 3 giants of contemporary architecture: Moshe Safdie, Daniel Libeskind and Frank Gehry. These particular architects are being chose out of many others because of their very proud and well pronounce Jewish heritage as well as the strong connection to Canada.
Watercolor art workshop
This workshop will focus on two main techniques of watercolor art, through painting a simple image to illustrate these techniques.
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Pyotr has travelled many corners of the globe and tells the stories of what he sees through his paintings. He uses mainly oils and watercolour. More of his work can be seen in the architecture within various buildings and projects he has been involved in throughout Ottawa. The best example of his art can likely be seen in the form of six large interpretive panels in the Canadian War Museum. Pyotr has been teaching his art skills to children through his school, Peter Schwartzman School of Art.

Rachel Danziger-Sharansky
Writer and blogger, teacher
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In a rare personal session, talented writer, blogger, and native Jerusalemite Rachel Sharansky Danziger will talk about how Jerusalem made her life possible – and complicated. Like so many Soviet Jews, Rachel’s father, Natan Sharansky, became a Zionist following the six days war. The famous picture of the paratroopers by the Western Wall inspired his generation to fight for their right to immigrate to Israel, and started the struggle that allowed Rachel to be born as a free Jew in Jerusalem. But life in real Jerusalem isn’t always simple, and the future and the past tend to complicate the present. This session will explore the duality of a city that’s both a symbol and a real place, a source of inspiration – and a place to hang clean laundry….
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Raya Shadursky
Director of Operations at UJE
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Presentation and talk of a new exhibit book, A Journey Through the Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter: From Antiquity to 1914, which is based on a community exhibit that traveled throughout Canada in 2015. The 168-page richly illustrated book hopes to present an integrated narrative that looks at the experience of these two peoples together, “in all its complexity–through periods of crisis, as well as, long stretches of normal co-existence and multifaceted cultural interaction,” notes Alti Rodal, exhibit curator, author and UJE co-director.
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Roman Kogan
Executive Director, Limmud FSU
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Ron Mandel
Corporate coach and facilitator
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In this interactive session, you will discover that making heartfelt connections is the secret to building meaningful networks. People instinctively know when a person genuinely cares.
Personal Mastery: Discover and use your personal values to achieve greater fulfillment at work
In this interactive session, you will uncover what your most important values are today and how you can leverage them to guide the choices you make. Most of us live our daily lives rushing from activity to activity rules by time / the clock. Values help you prioritize where you focus, like a compass.
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Ron is certified in Creative Problem Solving with Synectics in Boston and in numerous leadership development programs. He has interned with University Associates and Esalen in California, the Gestalt Institute in Toronto. These, combined with his undergraduate degree in Engineering and graduate program in Environmental Studies, have laid the foundation for his work in Delivering Happiness at Work.

Ronen Israelski
Documentary filmmaker
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First Hand Accounts of Ordinary People Coming Face-To-Face With Hitler. A compelling combination of archival and up-close and visceral interviews with those who were there, and served the Nazi regime. “The Day I Met Hitler” transcends the written account and the scratchy news reel, bringing the past into a very real and personal present.
Racing against time, weaving together personal narratives of the last remaining people who had direct contact with Hitler. “The Day I Met Hitler” features newly discovered stories and images of the most infamous man in history.
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Sasha Sinay
Founder and Artistic Director of SMILE GROUP CANADA
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Have you ever tried juggling or using poi? Have you ever seen giant (almost) life size dolls moving on the stage? This highly interactive performing arts workshop will provide you with a unique opportunity to learn about the basics of the performing arts as well as it will allow you to get fully immersed into the magic of performing.
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Sasha Sinay and SMILE GROUP CANADA proudly represented Canada at various International Theater Festivals in Italy, Czech Republic, and Toronto International BuskerFest. This December, Sasha is taking SMILE GROUP CANADA on a performing tour to Washington, DC. Sasha Sinay accumulated over twenty years of experience as an Artistic Director, Theatre Instructor, Acting Teacher, Producer and Coordinator at Herzliya Municipal Theatre in Herzliya, Israel, directing and producing countless municipal and community events, as well as national and international festivals. One of her most successful projects was Theater-Group “Sharban” in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Shai DeLuca-Tamasi
Interior designer, TV personality
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Shai will take you through his path from serving in the IDF to becoming one of the most watched and followed Interior Design gurus in the country.
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Sigal Haber
Professor of entrepreneurship at Schulich School of Business, children book author
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Sigal will present findings from a research done about entrepreneurship in Ontario from 2016, where Sigal had been involved in the Israeli team and on 2016 she led the Ontarian one. This research was part of an international longitudinal study that has been running since 1999 and includes over 60 countries. Sigal will present entrepreneurship model, characteristics and trends, followed by a discussion of practical implications, and also discuss how entrepreneurship grew in Israel in the recent years.
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In addition to her academic activity, she has been a consultant to the Israeli Ministry of Education in developing unique educational programs in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship. Prior to that as Head of the Research Marketing Unit and a member of the Marketing and Strategic Team of the Negev Tourism Development Administration in Israel.

Tina Grimberg
Rabbi, author, Jewish educator
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Join Rabbi Tina Grimberg, David Lefkowich and Debbie Gilbert in joyful song and soul provoking stories. For all ages (**With musical instruments)
Passion, Love and Couplehood in a Superficial World
With over 25 years of experience working with couples as a therapist, coach and rabbi, Tina Grimberg will reflect on the essential components of connection we all yearn for. Prepare for an honest look at our deepest desires for fulfilment and meaning in this challenging modern world. David Lefkowich will punctuate this session with stirring heartwarming music.
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Her first book of memoirs, Out of Line: Growing Up Soviet, was published by Tundra Press in October 2007 and has won numerous awards. Rabbi Grimberg is a member of the Toronto Board of Rabbis, the Canadian Council for Reform Judaism, and is an associate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association and the Central Conference of American Rabbis.

Yifat Bear Miller
JNF Canada’s Education Emissary
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The women in the Israel Defense Forces are female soldiers who serve in the Israel Defense Forces. Israel is one of only a few countries in the world with a mandatory military service requirement for women. The following presentation outlines the roles women have taken on in the army throughout the history of the Israel Defense Forces. Women have always taken part in Israel’s growing military, from the founding of the state in 1948 to the modern army of today. In the contemporary IDF, more and more roles are opening up to women as an increasing amount of units see the value in female combat soldiers.
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Quiz, Please!
Intellectual entertainment game
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